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Question: Are Magazines Allowed to be Placed in Blue Bags?

Are magazines able to be put into blue bags? Yes, you can put magazines into your blue bags or take them to East Central Recycling at 701 E Centennial Ave. What is the recycling process for magazines? The recycling process for magazines is the same as paper recycling. Here are the steps in which paper…

Cardboard Recycling

We use cardboard boxes to ship millions of items from candy to diamonds. Right now 400 million tons of paper and cardboard is being manufactured worldwide. In the United States 90% of goods are shipped in a cardboard box and that’s why its the highest waste item in your trash. Luckily 91% of cardboard is…

Vampire Energy Can Make You Pay More

We’ve been having problems with vampires lately. Not the vampires that suck blood but vampires who suck electrical energy. We have lost $3 billion worth of energy because of vampire energy, that’s 5% of the United States energy. That’s enough energy to power the country of Italy for a whole year! Vampire energy is defined…

Question: I Live in an Apartment, How Can I Recycle?

Q: I live in an apartment and we have a private dumpster, and I wanted to know if I can put my blue bags in there to be recycled? We receive this question a lot via our website and via email, especially from college students who are staying in Muncie during the school year. A:…

Recycling is an Easy New Year’s Resolution

It’s a new year which means it’s time to make New Year’s resolutions. Most people go to the gym or start a diet, but why not make one of your resolutions to recycle more and save energy? There are many different and easy ways to do this. One of the easiest things you can do…

Recycling Tips for Christmas

Thanksgiving is over, which means Christmas is right around the corner. It’s time to get the wrapping paper out to wrap gifts, and time to mail out your Christmas cards to your loved ones. After Christmas is over, what will you do with all the ripped wrapping paper and the ripped envelopes that hold Christmas…

Recycling Tips for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is right around the corner which means spending time with your family and having a great meal, but when you are finished with your meal what will you do with the leftover food, cans, and plastic containers that your food came in. Most people will just simply throw it into the garbage and not…

Yard Waste and Composting 101

Have you ever wondered what you could do with your leftover food scraps or yard waste? Did you ever think you could use this material to make your soil and plants healthier? Composting yard waste is a soil conditioner that improves texture, air circulation and drainage, moderates soil temperature, enhances nutrient and water-holding capacity, decreases…

Recycling Tires 101

When you think of tires you think about them being used on automobiles and other transportation machines, but most people don’t think about what other items are made from used tires in their afterlife. Around 290 million tires are discarded each year in the U.S and each one of those tires can take 50-80 years…

Electronic Recycling 101

In the U.S. we toss more than 100 million cell phones in the trash every year, which is a huge waste of materials that could be recycled. There are also over 112,000 computers discarded every single day in the U.S. That’s 41.1 million desktops and laptops per year. Even with the high number of technology…