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Battery Facts 101

We have been using batteries for many decades to power our household items and portable devices such as phones, home and portable game devices, and now even cars. Batteries can vary in size, it can range from the size of a penny to the size of a table. Batteries also use many different types of…

Steel Recycling 101

Have you ever wondered what happens to the old steel from bridges and buildings? Companies send their old steel to be recycled and to be processed into new items that we use every day. Those items are electrical appliances, automobiles, bolts, nuts, screws, cans, and containers. Did you know that for every ton of steel…

Plastic Facts 101

Every day millions of people across the United States use plastic to eat with, drink with, and sit on, and when people throw plastic away it goes to landfills to rot. Many animals find plastic at landfills trying to find food and end up eating the rotting plastic which can make them seriously ill or…

Glass Recycling 101

Did you know that glass is 100% recyclable and that it also can be recycled endlessly without any loss in purity or quality? Did you also know that over one ton of natural resources is saved for every ton of glass recycled? Every six tons of glass recycled reduces one ton of carbon dioxide during…

Composting 102: Time to Get Started!

By this time, if you are the least bit interested in gardening or the “green” movement, you have most likely read a “Composting 101” article, blog, infographic, etc. You may have even started a pile in your backyard, built some kind of DIY bin, or have a surplus of frozen bags in your freezer of…

The Proper Disposal of Light Bulbs

NPR recently did a great story about helping consumers know which light bulb is the best for you and the environment. We would like to follow up with something that is also very important for citizens to know, which is “What do you do with a light bulb once it no longer works?” Common incandescent…

Get Green-Savvy

Why does it all even matter? We’ve all been there for the probing questions that follow habitual green activities or beliefs. While you know why you do it, it may be hard to articulate when you’re “under the gun,” so to speak. Whether it’s lack of information or just a twisted tongue, we’ve got your stock…

Adventures in composting

Larraine Roulston writes children’s books and once volunteered with a puppet show. But make no mistake, she is quite serious about the topic of composting. It’s just that Roulston uses children’s literature to promote what she said she believes is an important aspect of waste management. The Havelock, Ontario, resident is currently working on her…

Clean Up Your Holidays

Get out the packing boxes and old newspaper – it’s time to clean up your holidays! What a whirlwind season it’s been. With everything that happened in 2009, 2010 is sure to be another monumental year for all things green.

7 Resolutions, With a Green Twist

With the start of a new year comes hope and change and most importantly, opportunity. In reaction to such inspiring settings, most of us turn to the old pad and pen to set up our course for the next year. So, what is on your list?