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Recycle Your Christmas Tree

As you get ready to undeck the halls, here are a few helpful tips to guarantee your Christmas tree doesn’t end up in a landfill. Considering the EPA estimates 20 percent of our municipal solid waste is already organic, it’s worth the time to properly dispose of your tree.

Clean Up Your Cooking

Regardless of what you put in your oven or your mouth, cooking is usually a holiday staple. But along with cooking, waste isn’t usually far behind. From leftover food to left-open refrigerators, waste is all around us as we prepare the treats that make your holiday dinner party a hit.

Tissue company offers free lesson plans on recycling

Marcal Manufacturing LLC, which makes 100% recycled tissue products, is offering free lesson plans to help teach students about recycling. The lesson plans are available at

Re-ally great holidays include Re-ducing, Re-using and Re-cycling

We wouldn’t be doing our jobs if we didn’t share some handy tips for reducing, reusing and recycling over the holiday season. Here are some of our favorites: When you are looking for gifts, look for recycled content items and/or items with minimal packaging. Consider buying re-usable grocery bags as gifts & “wrapping” them in…

2009 Holiday Gift Guide

Still haven’t found the perfect present for those hard-to-shop-for recipients? We have compiled 10 must-have gifts for every person on your list. From recycled materials to fair trade practices, you can be sure that your gifts will bring smiles without compromising your earth-friendly aspirations for a green holiday season.

Winterize Your Home

The average, unweatherized U.S. home leaks air at a rate equivalent to a 4-square-foot hole in the wall, according to the ” Solar Living Sourcebook” by John Schaeffer. And with the residential sector consuming 35 percent of available energy to consumers, reducing our use of this costly resource can result in big savings. So what…

8 Easy Green Thanksgiving Tips

The holiday season is officially in full-swing, and Thanksgiving marks the beginning of big family dinners, extensive gift shopping and elaborate decorations. But the season isn’t all turkey, stuffing and pie. According to RecycleWorks, from Thanksgiving to New Years Day, household waste increases by more than 25 percent.

Printing Creations: We’re Green

We’re Green Many see printers as bad guys who produce paper-based documents as an energy-hogging, landfill-clogging, waste-producing industry that needs to be replaced by cleaner, more efficient electronic media. But are we? Despite all the hype about electronic media being “greener” than print, the opposite may be true. Electronic media are huge consumers of energy.…

6 Steps to Green Your Tailgate

As November kicks off, football season is in full swing as NFL stadiums average nearly 100,000 fans at each game. While that’s a lot of hot dog buns and foam fingers, it also adds up to a lot of waste. And although more stadiums offer to recycle, most of us don’t bring our party waste…

8 Ways to Reuse Your Costume

Now that Halloween is over and you’re ready to move onto the next holiday, consider yourself prepared to answer the question: What will you do with your costume, decor and more anyway? Well, finding out what to do with your pumpkin after Halloween is the easy part. And reusing your decorations year to year is…