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Car Allowance Rebate System

The CAR Allowance Rebate System (CARS) is a $1 billion government program that helps consumers buy or lease a more environmentally-friendly vehicle from a participating dealer when they trade in a less fuel-efficient car or truck. The program is designed to energize the economy; boost auto sales and put safer, cleaner and more fuel-efficient vehicles…

Why Go Green?

8 Ways to Make the Case Read More Cool Off Temperatures are heating up. Here are a few tips for how to stay cool this summer without racking up energy bills and a guilty conscience. Read More

Carbon Recycling Cheat Sheet

With the American Clean Energy and Security Act making its way to the Senate after a narrow victory in the House, the fate of our relationship with carbon dioxide may soon be decided. Of the various ways the bill looks to change the nature of how to deal with carbon emissions, cap-and-trade will form the…

8 Ways to Be Green On The Go

Life doesn’t stop and neither do we. There’s always work, school, traveling, errands, sports practices etc. that keep us on the go. You might think there’s little time to be green, but that’s not the case. There are plenty of ways to fit eco-conscious acts into our busy schedules. Here are some tips for being…

Clean Up Your AC

It’s that time of the year again when most people are feeling the rising temperatures as summer comes crashing in. It’s fun in the sun, but it’s not always a party when you receive your electric bill. So, what is the best way to beat the heat?

Pharmaceuticals in the Mainstream

You may have seen a public service announcement on your TV featuring a wistful dealer of street drugs telling how the easy availability to drugs in family medicine cabinets is hurting his business. This is a complaint not guaranteed to generate sympathy for the plight of your local Fagan, but one that opens the door…

The Future of Urban Gardening

In cities across the country, people are converting small plots of land into 1/4 acres or more of urban plenty. Perhaps it is concerned about a tighter budget, an interest in eating locally, or maybe it’s just an enhanced appreciation for both the intricate and simple joys to be found in growing one’s own food.…

Recycling Mysteries: Candy Wrappers

You’ve got a sweet tooth you need to satisfy, but did you know that most of our favorite candies are wrapped in what has somehow become the unwanted stepchildren of waste management? Tossed in the trash or in a recycle bin, all candy wrappers make their way to the landfill. But why is this small,…

Making Your Green Dreams a Reality: Organic Garden

Want the freshest, most affordable, organic vegetables possible with absolutely no food miles? Make like the Obamas and grow your own. “I think everyone should try to grow a little bit of their own food. It’s one of the best ways to really understand the seasons and become more conscious of where you’re food comes…

8 Ways to Get Your Mom to Go Green

Sometimes the nut really does fall far from the tree. So while you may have spent the last decade or so composting the scraps from your organic produce, riding your bike to work and debating whether to install solar panels or a green roof, mom might still need a little coaxing to go green. Of…