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Peace of Mind for Mother’s Day

Meditation and relaxation encourage a balanced life and allow you to center yourself amidst everyday chaos. It’s hard, however, to find an oasis of calm when mind and body products intended to soothe could potentially harm you, your surroundings and the environment as a whole. While hormone-disrupting phthalates and dioxin-producing polyvinyl chloride (PVC) seem to…

Tackling the Barriers to Being Green: Money

Individuals and families living on tight budgets may not have the option of reaching for that Fair Trade coffee bean package or the pure organic produce. Although being a green consumer requires money, being a green citizen does not. Read More Which flat-screen TV is greener? With the changeover from analog to digital TV signals…

10 New Uses for Lemon

“Lemon juice is the strongest food acid in our kitchens, strong enough to make life unbearable for most bacteria,” says Robert Wolke, professor emeritus of chemistry at the University of Pittsburgh and the author of What Einstein Told His Cook 2: The Sequel, Further Adventures in Kitchen Science (W. W. Norton, $26). Read More 8…

Is 7 minutes in the dark long enough?

Only if you’re an awkward, slobbery teenager. Instead, get lucky for a full hour tomorrow starting at 8:30 pm. Join millions of people around the planet supporting a cause even greater than a teen’s first kiss: stopping global warming.  

Egg carton caterpillar

Instructions: With an adult’s help, remove the lid of the egg carton and cut the bottom in half. Trim away excess. Paint the egg carton green and let it dry completely. Glue small yellow pom-poms to the top of each of the six egg cups. Cut two 2-inch strips from the pipe cleaner. Glue the…

Nontoxic Spring Cleaning

Here’s help in judging “green” claims on cleaning product packages. Read More The Scoop on Bioplastics The bioplastics industry has seen tremendous growth in the last few years, especially with the surge in oil prices. From plastic bottles to mobile phones, bioplastics are being used to create products typically made from petroleum-based plastics. Read More


Earth Day 2009, April 22, will mark the beginning of the Green Generation Campaign! This two-year initiative will culminate with the 40th anniversary of Earth Day in 2010. With negotiations for a new global climate agreement coming up in December, Earth Day 2009 must be a day of action and civic participation, to defend the Green…

Quick Green Tips

Are you gunning for the forest every time you use an ATM? Maybe, since the number of trees that go to making receipts is just plain criminal. Hold up on requesting a receipt at the ATM, gas pump, checkout stand, and anywhere else where you have the choice, ski mask or not. Read More Wanna…

Energy Efficient Kitchen

More than half of U.S. adults have made changes in their lives they believe will help sustain the environment. Taking this commitment to the kitchen, Whirlpool brand introduces the Eco Kitchen, helping consumers integrate environmentally-friendly changes in one of the biggest energy-consuming living spaces of the home. The Eco Kitchen, which includes the Resource Saver™…

8 Ways to Green Your Trash

Think back to what you learned in seventh-grade biology about the discovery process. The first step in the scientific method (trash is, after all, a very technical thing) is to ask questions about something you observe in your environment.